My Wife Isn't Educated Enough For Me
*Original Content by Dr. Gilda Carle
I am a 27-year-old master's student. I recently got married. My wife and I have been together for 6 years. We are the same age. When we were 21, we jumped into our relationship. She is truly a man's dream. She is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She takes care of me, is sociable and extremely intelligent. She's also foreign and comes from a different culture that is much more conservative than ours. She gave me an ultimatum of marriage or break up. I panicked and we made preparations for marriage.
I am now in school abroad and we are long distance. Her intellect is one thing that attracted me to her, but she never graduated from college. Not only are we from different cultures, but also different social classes. I met her while she was waitressing at a restaurant. Now I am off in school in a prestigious program and have my ego stoked everyday by the faculty and visiting lecturers. Being apart from her is difficult, but I am also being confronted by girls who have a high education and the sort of job prospects that make for a more intriguing future.
I do try to remind myself that her lack of education does not reflect her intellect. Indeed, she is smarter than most of the people I meet at school. I do wish she had more opportunities in her life. I am aware that I sound like an elitist jerk, but I'm feeling riveted by girls that can have a conversation about world events, politics, and history. She knows nothing about these things. What should I do?
—Scholarly Husband
Dear Scholarly,
So you married your wife because you feared you’d lose her. Was leaving her at home while you went abroad to school a form of revenge? Now the “elitist jerk” on campus suddenly feels shame that his mate’s credentials don’t match those of his new friends. Who are you trying to impress, hubby?
While you’re becoming educated in “world events, politics, and history,” you need schooling in matters of the heart. Sorry, but you won’t get 3 credits for this course of discovery. If your goal is to drape someone’s status on your arm to assist your upward climb, perhaps a more superficial partner would suit you best.
—Dr. Gilda